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Clicq™ Multi-Unit Abutments (M1.6)

Clicq™ Multi-Unit Abutments (M1.6)

When seeking durability in a multi-unit screw-retained abutment, Edison Medical’s Clicq™ line is the toughest of the tough.

The ideal combination of construction: a titanium nitride (TiN) coating coupled with an expanded M1.6 fixation screw (compared to the classic M1.4 multi-unit fixation screw). 

Another major advantage that Edison Medical’s Clicq™ Multi-Unit abutment line offers over the classic line: its increased torque ability, with a maximum of 22-25 NCM, compared to the 15 NCM of the classic multi-unit abutment.

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Clicq™ Multi-Unit Abutments (M1.6)

When seeking durability in a multi-unit screw-retained abutment, Edison Medical’s Clicq™ line is the toughest of the tough.

The ideal combination of construction: a titanium nitride (TiN) coating coupled with an expanded M1.6 fixation screw (compared to the classic M1.4 multi-unit fixation screw). 

Another major advantage that Edison Medical’s Clicq™ Multi-Unit abutment line offers over the classic line: its increased torque ability, with a maximum of 22-25 NCM, compared to the 15 NCM of the classic multi-unit abutment.
