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Edison Medical's
Implant Catalogs.

Endless possibilities for use with your preferred implant system brands.
Browse our catalogs to learn about EM implants, components and innovations.

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dental implant supplies

Ordering Made

Feel like you’re going to battle every time you need to stock up on supplies?
Those days are over once you start shopping at Edison Medical.
We’ve got the finest quality of all the products you need.
Receive them in a jiff and pay attractive prices to boot.

About Us
dental implant supply company

Our Implants,
Our Pride and Joy.

The reason we got into the dental implant business in the first place.
All our implants are designed with quality, functionality and long-term success in mind.
We offer across-brand solutions for the market's leading brands.
Check out our wide selections of innovative design.

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medical dental implants

Clicq™ Multi-Units:
The abutments that
are stealing the spotlight.

EM's multi-units will catch your eye, and not just because of their sophisticated packaging.
Our Multi-Units promote optimum functionality and long-term health.
Both straight and angled options provide a variety of solutions for dental implant patients.
This crowd pleaser is a must have.

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Why Choose Edison Medical?



Products fit with all major implant brands



A broad selection to satisfy all your workflow needs



Out the door and to your doorstep in a flash



Exceptional quality can exist at attractive prices



Quality that rivals leading market manufacturers

Clicq-Pression™ Transfer Abutments
vs. Traditional Impression Copings

Making impressions for implant-supported prostheses has never been easier! Our innovative new Clicq-Pression™️ transfer abutment copings allow you to make hassle-free and accurate impressions while saving time and money. Interested? Read more about it in our blog...

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Running through the numbers
EM produces over 1.5 million parts per year
Specialized for use with more than 70 brands
Over 10,000 products listed on EM
More than 130 years of industry experience

dental implant