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Titanium Abutments Ti-6AL-4V-ELI

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Titanium Abutments Ti-6AL-4V-ELI


Titanium Ti-6AL-4V-ELI is a highly successful material for the fabrication of dental implant superstructures and implants.


Titan Material

Titanium Abutment Ti-6AL-4V-ELI

On account of its favorable combination of properties such as low specific weight, high strength to weight ratio, high modulus of elasticity, very high corrosion resistance and excellent general biocompatibility.

ELI formerly known as Ti-6AL-4V-ELI. ELI is short for “Extra Low Interstitial” that provide more ductility and better fracture toughness.


Data Sheet

Material Titanium Ti6AI4V Eli
Density g / cm3 4.42
Melting Range °c±15°c 1649
Co-Efficient of Thermal Expansion 0-100°C/°C 8.6x10-6
Tensile Strength MPa 1000
0.2% Proof Stress MPa 910
Elastic Modulus GPa 114
Hardness Rockwell C 36



  • Low Specific Weight
  • High Strength to weight ratio
  • High Modulus of Elasticity
  • High Corrosion Resistance
  • Excellent General Biocompatibility
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